Friday, January 06, 2006

Cleveland Snow & Linotypes Cool Program!

I woke up this morning to beautiful Snow! It was kind of a depressing day yesterday in Cleveland during the month of January when there is no snow and just rain. I suppose that's what London is all about. I prefer days like today with snow and the beautiful sun hitting the snow flakes, causing "sun sparkles" across the snow.

On a more serious note, I wanted to let everyone know about a cool font program out there for Mac OS X (10.3.9 +). They have an older PC version available as well as Mac OS 8.6+ & Mac OS X in Classic Mode. In other words, use this other version for OS 8 or 9. If you are in OS X, Upgrade to OS X 10.3.9 or Tiger and use the most current version. The older version does not seem to have the same functionality as the current version. The older version appears to only be a program that allows you to purchase fonts. The newer Mac only version is the version that truly ROCKS! I understand that they are working on a newer version for the PC. In the meantime, switch to Mac! Just kidding. I am actually on both platforms and can't wait until the PC version comes out! It's a free program and it works like Extensis Suitcase. It lets you organize your fonts like Extensis Suitcase, but without the $99.95 price tag. It is like iTunes since it lets you go to its store and purchase and download fonts that you need for a particular project. It's a great concept and a great idea. You should check them out at:

Until then have fun, remember not to take life too seriously and have a great Weekend,

John :)

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